Bryanne Robinson


Senior Planner

Bryanne holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Geography and Sociology from the University of Ottawa and a Master of Planning from the Queen’s School of Urban and Regional Planning. Bryanne is a Registered Professional Planner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and a full member of the Canadian Institute of Planners.
Before joining Weston Consulting, Bryanne was a Development Manager for a GTA-based developer, where she managed development projects across Ontario. She has experience assisting clients with their planning objectives, managing consultants and project teams, and preparing Planning Opinion Letters to support due diligence investigations.
As a Senior Planner at Weston Consulting, Bryanne draws on her experience in the private sector to effectively assist clients with managing the development approvals process for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plan Approval, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Condominium, Minor Variances and Consent applications.