Kayly Robbins



Kayly joined Weston Consulting in April 2021. Kayly holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Geography from McMaster University and a Master’s of Planning from Ryerson University’s  School of Urban and Regional Planning. Prior to joining Weston, Kayly worked at a Planning and Engineering firm in Barrie where she worked on a range of development projects in the County of Simcoe. She was also involved in assisting with the management of landowner groups and conducting planning due diligence for various residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Kayly is a Registered Professional Planner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and is a Full Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Since joining Weston Consulting, Kayly has been involved with many development projects across the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding areas. Her focus is on assisting clients with managing the development approvals process for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plan Approval, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Condominium, Minor Variances and Consent to Severs. Kayly has experience with low to high-rise residential and mixed-use development, commercial development and the development of employment uses. She has experience assisting clients with their planning objectives, managing consultants and project teams, and preparing Planning Opinion Letters to assist in due diligence investigations. Kayly has also provided representation at Committee of Adjustment, Council and Committee meetings.